"In yet other words: bees are projectiles, and humans, cruise missiles." Friedrich Kittler, in "Gramophone, Film ,Typewriter", 1986 - Stanford Univ. Press, 1999
What do these different manifestations have in common? Have to come up with something better than the title sometime. Infosthetics has more on the first.
More AA related stuff. This time, a pedestrian bridge whose foundations are the trees existing on site. An informal yet precise structural network is woven with a minimum impact on its setting. From BDOnline.
Pictured: the [C] Space pavillion, under construction as the DRL exhibition on its ten years of existence was inaugurated. (By the way: rembember this other pavillion, also at Bedford Square?)
Meanwhile, other AA graduates are working on the Fibrous Room project/ prototype (also depicted here).