(ci)... I think what we need is to find a way to look at the 20th century creative process from a complete different point of view. like this new world maps that are free of geografical relationships.
this will allow us to discover links so far unthinkable and to trace a certain secret knoledge (meme) that should tie the two sides of the spectrum (intuition and technology)
so the idea would be to bring in a super data base of creators, art movements, philosophical concepts, etc... and create a new cartography. memegraphy
(ng)... maybe it would help, at the beginning, to restrict ourselves just to the three major "categories" you mention:
creators, art movements, philosophical concepts;
that way, what would matter most would be people, ideas, and how these have interrelated
... well, maybe a fourth "category" - key artworks
so lets use this post to comment in the references:
creatorsart movementsphilosophical conceptskey artworks