Monday, November 05, 2007

Making in China

A fascinating report of what is actually happening in the world of industrial production, focusing on China's evolving role and connections: "China Makes, The World Takes".

Well worth reading.
Some bits: "Supply chain is intellectual property" and "People think China is cheap, but really, it’s fast."

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Sustainable turbulence

Fish gather together in shoals for more than safety in numbers: their bodies are able to extract kinetic energy from vortices and eddies created by objects in water or other fish.

This has led some researchers to investigate how these same processes could be reproduced in devices capable of generating electricity from turbulence in liquid flows (unlike in conventional turbines, for which turbulence is a hindrance), as described in this article.

An example: this project from Princeton.

This is interesting, beyond the issues of efficiency and renewable energy production – architectural skins could be reworked so as to use wind forces productively, instead of merely resisting them.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

you can also know how to build

I just got a link to some pictures by Fernando Guerra of the latest built project of JSTC: the school of Medicine of Braga, Portugal. They are worth seeing, José and Teresa are really great at getting their thoughts all the way thru construction. The know how to build.
You can't tell from the pictures, but there is a wall made with 4 stories height perforated metal shutters that slide open electronically

Friday, August 31, 2007

de-generative architecture

Alireza just sent me a great picture of Pessac (Corbu)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


coming back from the construction site a couple of days ago.
I had to stop and wonder around those giants.


interesting voronoi developments

from Made in California

and from Object-e-architecture

Monday, August 27, 2007

Friday, August 24, 2007

Digital Garbage

it is common in the research produce and develop a lot of files(scripts, models, images)that we will never use.
Here there is a selection of digital garbage made this August.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Phisical model of the wall


Can you imagine what you can do with a screen?
Also interesting, Obscura Digital

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


artwork by Golan Levin

and a voronoi aplication as audio visualizer from Flight404

but here is a smart one, voronoi is used to define the path of minimal chance of hitting obstacle for travel routes. further info here

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


A thesis by Nestor Alberto Calvo that has reminded me of S. Pivar's theory on patterngenesis (right now in the eye of the hurricane, although I have to say that I find appealing the idea behind his "crazy theory")

I still have to read it carefully but it seems promising.

plus, geometry in action a compiling site from ICS Theory Group


This is a power point presentation called "Digital Fabrication" of Branko Kolarevic, professor of the University of Pennsylvania

Monday, August 20, 2007


"This research study explores the potential of space-dividing algorithms and their integration in built architecture.
The project aims on forming an integrated and generative design strategy based on a biomimetic approach to architectural design and fabrication.
The development of a software-tool that allows to simulate dynamic spatial relationships and its implementation on a given architectonical problem forms the integral part of this study.The application of the tool on various scales and hierarchies aims on a high degree of integration between design and fabrication of the final project."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

gravitational voronoi exhibition wall

next step for the wall
going away from the conitnuous surface and getting a sense for the boxes


Here there are two more interesting links, one of them is in Spanish from Urbanism in SouthAmerica.

Seven, Six, Five

Plataforma Urbana


Voronoitom is an AA Research Project 0607 (Diploma 16 :: Architecture in Extreme) Environment
Tom Ostinato

an interesting catalog of voronois generation patterns. here in flickr album

Generative audio visualization

Seelenlose Automaten is a generative music visualization with an unusal approach: Instead of analyzing the music for cues for visual change, MIDI control messages are sent simultaneously to the sound and image generators. Each mapping to a specific visual or sound effect, these messages are a vocabulary of rules giving structure to the composition. All change can be precisely predicted, and as a result the entire composition is perfectly synchronized.

Random numbers, Probability, Perlin Noise

Some codes done with processing that might interest you. The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman at NYU. I found this one and this one quite interesting.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Nonspheres IV
Luis Berríos-Negrón

"PROGRAM is a nonprofit project aimed at testing the disciplinary boundaries of architecture through collaborations with other fields. Initiated in 2006 by Carson Chan and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, PROGRAM provides a discursive platform for artists, architects, critics and curators to explore ideas through exhibitions, performances, workshops, lectures, and residencies...."

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

voronoi research - in progress

Here is the process (the dead corpses) of scripting a voronoi diagram that would take in consideration gravitational forces between the points. so the division lines would not longer be at the center of the line that connects two cores.

and here is a voronoi on a square grid with gravitational forces on the points in an increasing sequence.

and here is a series of balaced gravitational grids.
we are starting to see some light after all.

Monday, August 13, 2007

sdk sigle position on latin order

this is a series of voronoi diagrams based on sdk with a latin square order thanks to a small generating device by José Ortiz.

here is the superimposition of all 9 pieces.

DeLanda on multiplicities

"multiplicities specify the structure of spaces of possibilities, spaces which, in turn, explain the regularities exhibited by morphogenetic processes"
Intensive science and virtual philosophy

Sunday, August 12, 2007

The importance of data

Going back to our early info-visualization concerns,
here is a great video from hans rosling.

sdk double and triple position

same sdk gen, but using double and triple concentric point definition.

sdk single position

Here is a first attempt to build a geometrical order far beyond the eye's perception. we are trying to figure out proportional values for a common structure independently of the individual formal status, which could be at anytime switched around within a certain boundary, reconfiguring the overall pattern to better meet the criteria.

In a sense, is a dynamic grid tool, a kind of a geometrical automata. still using a sdk base as a gen to define the boundaries and relationship of the different points of the grid.

so far we are using a voronoi diagram, however this is just a simple way to go for now.

superimposition of the previous single diagrams.

aplication 1. (exhibition space. see for more info)


The new tower of the Solucar Solar Energy Station in Seville is under construction, and it would double the size of the first one.


Friday, August 10, 2007

Osuna project

I forgot to post the results of the osuna voronoi exercise.
here is a link to our site where you can see some of the images we issue for DD

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Rip Curl Canyon

Rip Curl Canyon by Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues

a bit old but worth seen it anyway.
their site has also a few gems

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Octupus Surface

Este script identifica una superficie cualquiera e imprime sobre ella una matriz de puntos con los cuales construye una especie de ventana que por un lado tiene una seccion circular y por otro una sección cuadrada. el eje de está ventana es un punto especifico de la matriz por la cúal se calculo la Normal.

dentro del script se han declarado más de 20 variables, todas ellas están relacionadas entre si por lo que una modificación en cualquiera de ellas afecta a todo el conjuunto.
El valor de los cambio es exponencial esto quiere decir que modificar el valor de la variable 1 en una unidad, influriá al final de las Iteraciones en una modificación mucho mayor que la unidad original. de este modo el sistema depende de sus propias reglas.

ver más imagenes en:

Voromuro form Ofice DA

more from de GSD

“Voromuro, 2007.
created by Professor of Architecture Monica Ponce de Leon and Adjunct Professor Nader Tehrani and exhibited on Georges Island, is an intricate structure made with translucent acrylic installed in the elegant interior of the fort’s powder magazine"

I remember a work of Tehrani in 2001 at NY MOMA called "Fabricating Coincidences".
very inspiring.