Friday, March 31, 2006

Via BDBLG, another impressive example of algorithmic-based work, built with processing:

And the source code of each work is made available.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


(ci)... I think what we need is to find a way to look at the 20th century creative process from a complete different point of view. like this new world maps that are free of geografical relationships.
this will allow us to discover links so far unthinkable and to trace a certain secret knoledge (meme) that should tie the two sides of the spectrum (intuition and technology)
so the idea would be to bring in a super data base of creators, art movements, philosophical concepts, etc... and create a new cartography. memegraphy

(ng)... maybe it would help, at the beginning, to restrict ourselves just to the three major "categories" you mention:
creators, art movements, philosophical concepts;
that way, what would matter most would be people, ideas, and how these have interrelated
... well, maybe a fourth "category" - key artworks

so lets use this post to comment in the references:
art movements
philosophical concepts
key artworks

Evonet, resoruces on evolutionary computing

"evonet the European Network of Excellence in Evolutionary Computing. EvoNet aims to foster innovation, training and technology transfer, and to provide a comprehensive information service for everyone interested in the field of evolutionary computing."
New workshop comming up, we need to keep an eye on it

"Evolutionary computing in a nutshell: What is it?"

The wonders of blprnt

I am starting to be overwhelmed by the wonders out there
check this out hosted by
they have a blog and a ...
"forum for people doing beautiful things with computers. A place for ideas to take hold. A group of people to answer your questions."

Light as interface

Some prototypes like this are already quite something.
But I would be curious to know if there are other people making new interfaces as impressive as this one.

More here.

Update: this guy here has a sort of compilation of this kind of interfaces.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Liveplasma maps it

talking about maps,
here is a great one!
liveplasma maps well defined families of artists, according to interest, styles and epoch, so it is a linear relationship, but the interface is pretty good and it can be really helpfull to us

Google APIs

Google APIs developer kid seems to be an important tool for us if we want to be able to use the full potential of the net at this point, so I am also!!! going to start learning how to turn my computer into a search robot!
A good description on the potential of this tool by Douwe Osinga in Google Hacks (of course, now he works for google)

Conway and Frazer

Apparently, John Frazer used to share some computer time back in the sixties with John Conway:
(old wired magazine article)

And, while we're at it, here's a link to Frazer's Interactivator.

Creativeprocess map 1

...and its working,
lets get a first map going, we need a complete last half of the century database to test.
any sugestions?
the other thing that it would be great is to define the size by the number of times the name is found and the colors based on the stress condition (number of links shared)

ConceptualMap test1

I just got the first results for the world map
there is a routine error that is not letting finalize the script
but is a good start.
I am going to try to correct it and then modify it to search for the creative process
here is the first image

this image was generated using mappedweb by Douwe Osinga

Monday, March 27, 2006

Game of LIFE

Check out this game, it was invented by a mathematician called John Conway. It's very simple and the patterns that are generated look amazing.

The rules are very simple. You divide up an area into squares and a square can either be dead or alive.
In the next generation, the next click of the clock, the squares are going to change statuses in some way or another. The square which has one or zero neighbors is going to die, a live square that has one or zero neighbors is going to die. A square which has two neighbors is going to survive. A square with three neighbors is going to give birth, is going to come alive, if it isn't already alive. A square with four or more neighbors is going to die of over crowding.

José Pedro Croft in BCN

Portuguese artist J P Croft is in Galería Senda from March 30th

Other things that move, part II

Tonight at the CCCB: Rodney A. Brooks. He has worked on stuff like this, and is the director of this place.
It might be interesting. And we may see how other kinds of things shake their way around.

Other things that move

Following on Carlos "Making new nature" post, more things that dance and kick, yet differently *:

Robotecture , Soft Robot, Ferrofluid Sculptures, the good old Hoberman, and, of course, the Aegis Hyposurface.

(*most of these do depend on electronics or electricity, for sensing and/or moving, or simply existing. But that's part of the fun, I would say.)

(Carlos, I haven't forgot the .py thing, i just need a little time...)

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Algorithmist

look at what the mr. Brett Steele has just drop in his blog

The Algorithmist
is a resource dedicated to anything algorithms - from the practical realm, to the theoretical realm. There are also links and explanation to problemsets

Making a new nature

Thinking of last night film by Theo Jansen
here are his beasts

... and followign his links: Sodarace, a fascinating page for AI and GA in the construction of virtual robots
... and Ben hopson's foam motion design
... and (this has no end) Tim Prentice's kinetic sculptures - also check Ned Kahn´s Tecnorama facade

Douglas Coupland

Nuno, I have just realized I still have your Douglas Coupland's Super City Catalog.
a good reason to see what he is up to...
Jpod : " piracy, boneheaded marketing staff, people smuggling, the rise of China, marijuana grow-ops, Jeff Probst, and the ashes of the 1990s financial tech dream."

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Another brick in the map

lumeta Mapping Project: The simple algorithm produces some nice tree-like "maps". These maps help to visualize things, to find things that warrant closer inspection

In colaboration with Ben Worthen :
"Who owns the Internet? We have a map that shows you."

Just imagine, substitute "internet backbone" by "creative process"

Running a .py script

Nuno, Pepe,
before I can run the prefuse tool I need to search the web and find the stress relationships between the words in a matrix form.
In the Douweosinga site for mapped web there is a script called that I am trying to modify to search names,
I have modified the PATHEXT of my computer to run .py files and I have tried to run it from msdos, but I have no idea how to get it to work. I have also tried to run it by changing the file to a .sdm with no better results
any suggestions?

Friday, March 24, 2006

I feel like John Cage



prefuse is a user interface toolkit for building highly interactive visualizations of structured and unstructured data.
this is what we need to generate the creation map.

Someone that seems to be doing most of this work: Jeffrey Heer
some work developed with prefuse:
flow map layout

Who cares if you listen?

Milton Babbitt, High Fidelity (Feb. 1958)

This article might have been entitled "The Composer as Specialist" or, alternatively, and perhaps less contentiously, "The Composer as Anachronism." For I am concerned with stating an attitude towards the indisputable facts of the status and condition of the composer of what we will, for the moment, designate as "serious," "advanced," contemporary music.

mapping mapping

Polar Wandering by Layla Curtis
an exciting map

You can find plenty of more maps in the
Design Institute of U. of Minnesota
Else/Where Mapping

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Algorithmic soundscapes

This guy here has, among others, this fascinating project going. The clips are worth hearing.
It seems to be related to this.

And I was reminded of this.

(got this through googling "algorithmic morphogenesis", which could be a catchy definition, if we ever need one)

They just keep hatching

Via resarch, a promising, impressive new site:

Time to learn Rhino, particularly RhinoScript

(time also to invent days with 48 hours or so)

Tools for maping the search

douweosinga and namebase are two good tools to start mapping the web
let's start working from two both sides of the spectrum until we reach eachother.
I suggest Cage vs
or Palazuelo vs Escher
ultimately we should be able to generate a three dimentional map like the visual thesaure of thinkmap

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Specific affinities

All these people seem to be exploring several pathways that are close yet divergent:

material systems


Michael Hansmeyer

Stylianos Dritsas

Sean Hanna


UbuWeb is a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts

we can start mapping the guys in the list.
the archive is exepcional

History of evolutionary computation

genetic argonaut
a fast journey to get to know our elder

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Good stuff

Good stuff out there: BLDGBLOG, and Pruned.


Dimecres, 22 de març 19h
“La Revolució, vint-i-cinc anys després: poder i espai públic a Teheran”

Presentació: Josep Ramoneda, director del CCCB
Moderador: Fred Halliday, professor de Relacions Internacionals a la London School of Economics

Daryush Shayegan
, filòsof, autor de La lumière vient de l'Occident (L'Aube, 2005)
Fariba Adelkhah, antropòloga, investigadora al CERI Sciences-Po, París
Baqer Moin , periodista, antic corresponsal d'Àsia Central per a la BBC


Lynn Margulis describes stromatolites as the first cities, if not the first skyscrapers.
Could one consider these material organizations accomplished by cyanobacteria as a primitive, proto-, example of "cultural morphogenesis"? It is unlikely that there is a kind of "high-level" communication occurring between the microorganisms that leads to these formations.
But could these be more than the mere extension of their own "individual" phenotypes, in R. Dawkins terms?


una última mirada al lugar de partida.
quizás podamos recordarlo por si algún día regresamos a mirarlo con ojos nuevos
y medir así nuestro desconocimiento.