Sunday, April 30, 2006
Consensus web filter
Saturday, April 29, 2006
On prototypes, part V
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Folding Architecture
Understanding and developing the paperfold algorithm transgresses the singularity of the object spawning a series of similar but varying artefacts.
On prototypes, part IV
They work on stuff like this.
On a related note, I also like this idea.
"The tools for managing paradox are still undeveloped"
Also available here.
K. Kelly's whole site is worth checking, he even makes some of his books available, and there is this nice section dealing with cool tools.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
photovoltaic interlude
Could projects like these and these, promoted by, yes, the military, channel different attitudes from design's agencies and actors?
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
JFrazer making wine glasses
prelude for the design inteligence program
complex matters
complex matters
remember our prototypical façade?
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Semantic terrains
Remedial landscapes by e-tag
Saturday, April 22, 2006
say hello to the first generation of sdk prototypes
Friday, April 21, 2006
On prototypes, part III
Algorithmic Brick Wall - ETHZ
Aegis Hyposurface
loop and Openloop
kinetic systems - MIT
Static! projects - Interactive Institute
transstudio shows a lot of products (that seem more prototypical than finished)
and I guess that the work of Usman Haque could be considered prototypical. But then again, it will be part of our effort to try to define what such could be...
On prototypes, part II
Interactive Institute
Innovation Lab
Hyperbody Research Group (at TU Delft)
On prototypes, part I
Both the theoretical aspects, existing research institutions and relevant realizations should be considered. And as with everything, further suggestions will be added.
I'll start with recycling a text I've written a few months ago:
Prototypes, studios, the construction industry
Prototypes have emerged as multivalent pathways of exploration in recent academic experiments and achievements. They seem to be envisioned as “machines that could be used only once” (J. Bragança de Miranda), therefore never perfect, resisting idealization. As a machine, a prototype performs. It actively embodies the technical contingencies that coalesce into its fabrication. That is, the constitutive difference between the prototype, and other design media that involve making, is in the former’s implied concoction of disparate procedures and techniques (electronic and otherwise) into something that distinguishes itself by what it does.
(the full text is, for the moment, at a temporary blog for all thick, indigestible or obscure theoretical texts that don´t fit here)
Hanna et al's publications
(Carlos, if you can, don't miss the one on creativity, and the ones on stereolithography.)
scripting resources
Initially, it will focus mostly on rhino and processing. Other programs will be included according to each and everyone's interests.
Yimei has already mentioned the reconstructivism people. This is a site that seems to be in line with sites like and design tooling.
Some scripts are made available on these sites, but the descriptions of the processes seem to be more complete, at least from a first approach point-of-view.
materialsystems has a few scripts, the keeps going strong and there's still hope of seeing these guys' scripts one day...
The Rhino site has this page , and this MIT resource still seems quite helpful (I wonder if there are other MIT pages).
Now, regarding processing and the like, this Yale resource seems quite good, as well as this MIT one, and we already mentioned
Anymore suggestions?
some more algorithms
one of them uses the "game of life" to generate tunes (life forms)
and many others in linked through soundtoys
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
sdkie_one perspective
sdkie_one elev
sdkie_two perspective
sdkie_three on two
Monday, April 17, 2006
back to it
I have had some time to think about the process, after discussing in detail with Nuno and David last week. Here are some thoughts on our subject.
At this point we have three main research lines that have to come together some time during the process:
Pattern Formation. Needs to be developed within the frame of genetic algorithms through rhino-script or other friendly scripting software. The starting point being the sdkies series, but moving quickly into crossbreeding and mutation. Ultimately we would need our own software to recognize the patterns from intuition.
Mapping, based on the information visualization technology, to be able to filter the patterns according to various variable requirements. This is a critical issue. It represent the breaking point of the current approach to design (is about choice in chance). We need to visualize lineages and extremes in each range. First step “Memeping”. For this it is critical to be very good friends with arrays (who would have said it)
Prototyping, which has to be taken from now on as the goal instead of as the instrument. We need to understand the current state of the prototyping industries, and its potential. Who is prototyping, what, materials, shortcomings, etc…
I think we can organize a second attack to the three issues in the next month in order to have a coherent body of work for the starting point of the media lab proposal. I suggest the following organization.
YiMei, you could take a look at the prototyping world
David, you should keep working in the mapping tool
I will continue with rhino scripting.
Nuno and Pepe will keep feeding us info.
Everybody should keep doing what they are doing in any case, since this is going great.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
And here is the final product.
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
People Projects and Patterns
which seems to be lounched by stanford u. through this WikiWikiWeb
Flight patterns
by Aaron Koblin
he teaches at UCLA and has some of his lectures on virtual form available
Spatial Interface Conference
Lots and lots of information, ideas, projects, ramblings, good and scary stuff, and even a few deliciously grumpy diatribes.
difficult to highlight the most relevant, but here goes:
first, check out Beau Lotto. "Abstracting systems, such as the brain, from ecology is meaningless."
at SIAL they seem to be touching on almost everything;
in this unit, films are the context, in every sense, of architectural projects;
Pete Silver set some robots roaming free;
John Frazer said everything must go. including him, apparently to here.
more on this later...
he spoke about some really mind-boggling issues. one was this: construction with no drawings, no specifications, just a fully parametric, ultra-detailed 3d model;
Ian Borden: how the car is the most technically intense interface in the everyday, and its interior the most adjustable of all architectures;
Jason Bruges & Co have some good work;
Dr Watson, D. Greene and Jon Goodbun were also good; and it ended really good, with a high-octane pataphysic-inspired, delirious and intricate presentation by this guy.
Computational Information Design
Really the problem being no longer to generate form but to filter it (Darwing like) for survivor
COOL new york art radio
Monday, April 03, 2006
Offf: Post-Digital Creation Culture
EXTEND: Advanced Processing Workshop
Led by Casey Reas, Ben Fry, Marius Watz and Zachary Lieberman
Barcelona, HANGAR 8 - 12 May
OFFF Barcelona:
Ben Fry & Casey Reas / Bigspaceship / Bradley Grosh [GMUNK] / Chuck Anderson / Erik Natzke / Folkert Gorter / Granatta / Group94 / Jonathan Harris / Kyle Cooper / Marcos Weskamp / Marius Watz / Nando Costa / Rob Chiu / Santiago Moebio / Scott Hansen (ISO50) / Supperstudio / Syrup / Vince Frost / Waskman / WeWorkForThem / Wig-01 / Zach Lieberman & Golan Levin / Ze Frank /
Barcelona, CCCB 12-13-14 May 2006
A project by OFFF and HANGAR part of OFFF 2006